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Race report: HH Crit Series Rnd.5, 29th June

Posted: 30 Jun 2022 18:03
by Kyle
A midweek trip to Nottingham and my first visit to the Harvey Hadden Sports Village for Round 5 of the HH Crit Series.

I knew exactly what I was getting myself in to. A purpose built cycling circuit that is squeezed onto otherwise wasted land along the side of sport pitches means one thing - well, two actually - hairpins.

Good weather meant that the 25 who had signed up in advance were joined by another 15 on the day. So 40 riders sharing a 6 metre-wide ribbon of tarmac PLUS hairpins… extra fun!

With the commissaires advice that we hold our lines and keep the racing to the straight bits fresh in our ears, the whistle went and we were off. The hairpins are both at low points of the circuit making for 40 minutes of fast in, hard on the brakes, hoping your tyres are up to the task and then accelerating hard up the drag back to the ‘top’. Repeat x36.

I spent much of the race hanging around at the back of the bunch, not through tactical genius but simply because that is where my legs were at. With three primes being offered at points through the race (offering Haribo and Muc-Off that Lucy was very disappointed I showed no apparent interest in) the pace would pick up each time the whistle went before settling back down again. This no doubt contributed to the slow thinning of the bunch, although I don’t think it was less than 25 strong come the final lap.

Having got away with two pedal strikes I think I am now indebted to the cycling gods; I will be sure to offer up the requisite sacrifices before pushing my luck again. Other than that though - at least from where I was perched - there was nothing crazy to report. Clearly the commissaire’s message had stuck.

At least until the final lap…

In truth I was far too far back but thought I might just muscle my way up the drag to the finish and sneak a top 10 - a long shot requiring that I channel my inner Moses with the hope of finding some sort of gap. Having come past a few riders I opted for the long way round the last ‘kink’. This is not ideal but it did mean when first I heard, and then saw, two competitors getting close and personal on my inside I could opt for straight ahead and onto the grass. Oh well, upright and undamaged.

Up ahead there was a sprint. I am told it was a bit scruffy but without incident.

Up next, Paramount Road Race on Sunday where at least two Beacon riders will be lining up.

Next week I am off to Mallory Park on Thursday evening, Darley Moor on Saturday and [INSERT RACE NAME HERE] on Sunday - that final one very much tbc. Anyone fancy joining me?

Re: Race report: HH Crit Series Rnd.5, 29th June

Posted: 01 Jul 2022 11:57
by jonb
Nice one Kyle, sounds like you got in a good interval session. Not familiar with the circuit, it sounds pretty hairy - glad to hear you stayed upright.

See you on Sunday :)

Re: Race report: HH Crit Series Rnd.5, 29th June

Posted: 02 Jul 2022 13:01
by George
Sorry you missed your top ten, Kyle, but I'm sure the points will come. Good luck and thanks for the report.