Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 16th/17th of December

Details of and discussion about club runs

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 16th/17th of December

Post by WorcsPhil » 11 Dec 2023 16:10


Yes, I know that an online committee meeting on a Thursday night is a difficult sell, but the AGM was held last week with lots of members dialling in (and many listening as they cycled on indoor trainers, a splendid use of time)... and as well as summarising the events/achievements and issues of 2023, we also looked forward to 2024 and what we can do as a club to improve what we do, and how we publicise it more. Some of these 2024 plans that were discussed and agreed were:

- A new Touring Secretary (Alan Weaver) was proposed and accepted to promote, organise and report on Touring activity throughout the club, which is booming at present...for example we currently have Fenella Brown cyclo-touring in Cambodia and Helen Colson has a proposed tour of the Andes in late January 24 plus many other 2024 events in the pipeline

- We have a shout out for a new Racing Secretary - are you a racer with a keenness that knows no bounds? If so, raise your hand.

- A great calendar of Academy events is lined up, with a push to get funding for a major cycling facility at Ackers for the whole of Birmingham. If you want to get involved in helping us get funding from various sources, give me a shout...I don't want to do it on my own.

- We will rationalise the trophies that can be won and may be nominating new ones.

- New look clubs runs and provision of a premium club account on RidewithGPS for all Beacon members.

- Ride leaders online course in January, which will be 45mins max!

- Bike maintenance course in Feb to pick up the key things to prepare for when riding and to get you home if you get a mechanical.

- Women's only rides will be back in the Spring.

- LMTT in 2025 is to be the National circuit championships for the UK, so a major event sponsored by Beacon yet again.

- The 2024 TT calendar will include a road bike category and more 2-up events to encourage newcomers to give it a go.

...and plenty more to look forward to! This is just a flavour. So there you go, maybe an online committee meeting is better than The One Show (insert favourite tv programme here)?

What's happening this week? Well, it's the annual cycling get together at the Swan in Chaddesley Corbett this coming Sunday, a Beacon staple of Christmas time, so why not lead a ride with a coffee stop somewhere followed by a pint at the Swan just after midday...I'll lead the A-Run via Rowberrys. and be good if we can get a B and a C and a D all doing likewise. Tinsel is not mandatory, merely a sunny disposition.

...and thanks to Mick Stanford and NIck Shenton for leading the club rides at the weekend in what can only be described as a 2-hour storm, which flooded roads and cycling shoes...well done to all who sailed in her.

See you on Sunday and have a good week.


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