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Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 20th and 21st of January

Posted: 15 Jan 2024 11:02
by WorcsPhil

Not a good weekend for me, I accidentally put my phone into Airplane mode, and my front door blew off. :lol:

...but a great weekend for cycling given the icy conditions to come this week. We had all four club runs planned in advance, and great to see 25 riders out on Sunday. Thanks as always to the leaders, Andy Wrightson, Matt Hale, Leigh Hopkins (on his first lead...great stuff, Leigh!) and Mick Stanford. We will be going live with the club account very soon, we're just loading on all the good routes from this message board and our own files. We envisage a short presentation on both Wednesday 31st January and the same one on Thursday 1st February at 18:30 to introduce this club account, and a reminder of the basics of leading a club run...more details to follow.

Our Bike mechanics course is now scheduled for end February and is targeted to those of us who don't know the difference between a torque wrench and a worque trench, and will have a focus on knowing how to check your bike, and what to do if you have the most common mechanicals whilst you're out riding.

What a fab few days on the Audax front, we had 11 riders riding a 200kms DIY audax over the last five days, which again puts us in the top 5 nationally for Audax points in the new 23/24 season... and allied to this, we have two guys out touring far and wide, notably Helen Colson down in South America and Pete Warwick in New Zealand, both touring mostly off-road...catch their adventures and photos on Strava if you can, they make you want to go out and explore, especially Pete's lunch venue at the Cheese Barn...does it get any better than that?

Tuesday 23rd January at 14:45 sees the funeral at Redditch crematorium of Harry Morris, the last of the original Beacon members from 1946. There are a few of us going in Beacon tops given his legacy to us all, and if you are about and thinking of going, please can you let myself and/or George Barker know asap.

Stay safe this week, it looks a cold 'un and icy so perhaps do those DIY tasks you've been putting off.
