Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 3rd and 4th of February

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 3rd and 4th of February

Post by WorcsPhil » 29 Jan 2024 13:41


Spring is semi-springing...the snowdrops are out, daffodils are peeking through the soil, and I even saw a lamb at the weekend, so time to dust off your cycling mojo and prepare for 2024. Club runs are the ideal place to start of course, and we had FIVE runs out on Sunday, with Nick Shenton, Si Woodward, Mariana and Paul Balfe leading the A-D runs respectively and Lord Stanford leading the BC Guided ride...thanks to you all, even though there was a need for an overflow cafe on the B-ride when more than 8 riders jumped on.. We've almost got as many members skiing at present, so whatever you're doing, keep safe and push those boundaries.

We have a quick Zoom call on Wednesday evening at 18:30 sharp, and all Beacon members are invited. Just dial into the call on the details given to you all and have a listen as we take a teenage joyride around the new RidewithGps club account and what benefits it gives as well as a reminder on just how easy it is to lead a club run this year. We want to get 20-25 regular leaders and by dialling in and having a listen, you'll be amazed at how easy it is. Hope to see you there, and as I said last week, you can be peeling spuds, cleaning the dog, or up to more nefarious things, and if the latter it won't be necessary to switch your camera on!

What else is going on?...last call for the Sunrise/Snowdrop Audax...we have 290 entries and I close it at 300, so if your mates have signed up, then do it THIS WEEK...It's amazing how many people contact me in the last week, saying they want to ride but it's full and they didn't see any messages...so if you ride with someone who hasn't signed up, you have my permission to go round and cuff their ears (you don't my permission, but you know what I mean). I still need a couple of helpers around the car park from 07:45-08:45 so if you're riding the Snowdrop, then why not get there early and help out for an hour, I'll even supply you with a temporary yellow vest :D

So what are you up on Tuesday February 13th? Adrian R is organising a 'Go Ride' event at Ackers between 12-3pm and could do with some help setting up and dismantling the courses. It's a great venue and one that we are looking to make a cycling centre for kids in Birmingham. Check out his post on the message board! Good news on the Academy front! BC have lent us a dozen or more Islabikes of different sizes so that kids without bikes can come along and we'll lend them a bike that is roughly their size...this is great news as not all kids have 4 carbon bikes in their lock-up garage, so a big thanks to British Cycling for helping us along with this.

Finally, the January edition of the Beacon Bulletin has stormed into your emails (CHECK YOUR SPAM!!) yesterday, which gives an excellent summary of all the things going on over the next couple of months...if you want to publicise ANYTHING, just get in touch with anybody on the committee and we'll ensure it gets in the next edition.

Keep happy, and hope to see a few of you on Wednesday evening on the Zoom


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