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Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 24th and 25th of February

Posted: 19 Feb 2024 21:40
by WorcsPhil

Every club should have an Adrian Ravenscroft! He gives so much of his own time and energy to Beacon RCC, not least last week at Ackers, where he organised, set up and ran a half-term event for over a dozen kids, many new to cycling, racing around a grass course, where he even managed to get a dozen bikes from BC so that kids with no bikes of their own can ride. It's heart-warming to see this and his next Ackers event is in the Easter holidays on 3rd April, so get yours along...

Kudos also goes to Louise Crowley for racing crits at the weekend, and being right up there as usual, great to see some racing going on!

...but good grief it was a wet one for Sunday's club runs after the deluge on Saturday night. A huge turn out on the A-run was not foiled by lane closures due to floods (even Andy turned round after the water reached his knees!!), as a more main road alternative was ridden and good to see our group split into two moderate sized groups to avoid overt driver frustration... but good fun was had by all, and it was even warm enough to sit outside. The B-ride also split - but into Saturday and Sunday, which reduced the attendance, but hopefully Michelle enjoyed her solo adventure!

Thanks also to Jonathan Turner and Mick Stanford for leading the C and BC Guided ride respectively...heroes one and all.

So, it's the Sunrise/Snowdrop Audaxes this coming Saturday, and with Beacon volunteers and riders out in force, club run attendance on Sunday may be hit somewhat, but why not gather a small crew and go out anyway...Hope to see loads of you on Saturday, come and say hello at Whitlenge!

Have a good week
