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Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 22nd and 23rd of June

Posted: 17 Jun 2024 16:36
by WorcsPhil

What a bunch of namby-pambys, us A-riders are! A hint of a shower and we postpone the Weston ride, farting in the face of the brave souls who used to ride this ride in February as a race, with a light powered by a battery the size of a watermelon, but with the power of a swan vesta match....

so the one-day Weston and back ride goes again this Saturday at 05:30, and will ride whatever the weather. Sign up on the message board!

Some rides did go out of course, with an excellent and pacey A-ride Burst averaging over 20mph led by Neil Orchard and excellent C and D rides led by Pete Norman and Dave Cox, both heading out to the cafe at Hartlebury Castle...classy guys those, they only eat banquets at castles.

So this Sunday sees the second of the 'Beacon Big Cafe Convergence' club runs, where hopefully all club runs will head out to Broad Acres for a communal get may not be a castle, but it serves decent bacon sandwiches so get along and as usual, as all club runs head out to the same cafe, this is ideal for riders to switch rides on the outward or homeward journeys, or test yourselves on a slightly quicker ride than you're perhaps used to. Same rules, sign up on the MB... We know the date isn't ideal for everyone but choosing a date in the summer months invariably leads to mass gnashings of if you can do, and if you can't persuade others to do so.

The weather Gods are looking up so put away your winter layers (again!) and get out there in your finest tricolore.

See you at the seaside
