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Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 5th February

Posted: 31 Jan 2022 12:27
by WorcsPhil
Weekly Update:

So January is over, time to throw away the New Year resolutions - renounce your gym membership, get back on the sausages and toast your success with a cheeky Beaujolais...

February is Sunrise/Snowdrop month! So look out for the message requesting volunteers...I know many of you have stepped up already, but I now need to formalise and confirm names!

Great to see over 20 riders out on club runs at the weekend. I joined the A-run ably led by Neil Lynch and it was enjoyable to see Adrian R riding with just a 12-23 cassette on the back despite a very, very hilly ride, with multiple 20% sections through the Wyre I said to him, "you have come to at a gunfight, armed with a knife!" :D Great riding, Ade...

..and also good to see a huge B/C ride riding out to Crowle. The photos at the cafe showed every table occupied by Beacon riders, which was lovely to see. Thanks to George Barker and Pete Norman for leading the combined rides.

The weekend just gone was the first under the new Highway Code rules of course, and hopefully all the drivers that you met had been along to the free 30minute course to introduce the new rules :shock: . Don't forget, it's not an excuse to cycle in the middle of the road at all times, but only when approaching dangerous junctions or to pass parked cars... take a look at the new advice and adhere to it when you're both cycling and driving, let's try to achieve cultural change over our lifetimes, eh?

Anyway, we have an Intro ride this coming weekend, as well as hopefully a full set of club runs, so you know what to do.