Time trials - January, February and March 2017

Discussion about and results of Beacon club time trials and Beacon member participation in open time trials

Moderators: Beacon RCC, David Cole, JessRJ, martin mc

Posts: 238
Joined: 22 Oct 2011 16:25
Real Name: Phil Gameson

Post by PhilG » 15 Mar 2017 20:15

Not sure if this is the best place to highlight this, but there are currently roadworks / traffic lights on the route of the time trial this Saturday (18/03/17) - going down Church Hill to the left turn onto Icknield Street.
I think they are resurfacing the pavement and are due to finish on Friday.
Phil Gameson

martin mc
Posts: 343
Joined: 18 Sep 2011 20:24
Real Name: Martin McGowan
Location: alvechurch

Post by martin mc » 15 Mar 2017 21:16

PhilG wrote:Not sure if this is the best place to highlight this, but there are currently roadworks / traffic lights on the route of the time trial this Saturday (18/03/17) - going down Church Hill to the left turn onto Icknield Street.
I think they are resurfacing the pavement and are due to finish on Friday.
No temporary lights when I rode around this evening. Will check course on Saturday before event starts.

Posts: 324
Joined: 13 Jul 2009 13:33
Real Name: Dave Hughes

Post by Yosser » 20 May 2017 01:38



So here we go, dressed all in full TT garb, like some gnome looking for a garden pond to fish and riding a fully rigged go faster bike, hoping to do a time that a half decent OAP would do on a mobility scooter. Bizarrely I did go faster than an OAP on a disability scooter. Faster than I had any right to go considering that I had done a time of 25:15 only a week before. A new PB of 22:41 and coming first in V60 age cat. I ask you, me winning a TT prize in an open event. Tomorrow ...

...and 9


And to complete the weekend …
Drove over to the famous (notorious) R25 course. Weather conditions good. Sunny, no rain with the wind being in the right direction, if a little too strong to be ideal.
This is a fast course due to two main factors. The long starting hill that you don’t have to go back up to finish and the traffic. Ideally a gentle westerly head wind on the outward leg is overcome by the hill on the way out and then the tail wind helps you back. That was how it was except the headwind was very strong. I made the turn at an average speed of 26.1 mph and turned for home. Unfortunately I leant too heavily on the home made Garmin support stick and broke it. The Garmin hung down at an alarming angle. I spent the whole of the double turn island wrestling it off and then tucking it up my shorts, next to the caffeine gel. Mental note, don’t put the wrong thing in your mouth. (You know what I mean)! The return leg was done without recourse to the Computer. Bliss, just how it used to be. Just stamp on the pedals and hurt yourself, simples. Unfortunately I hadn’t aclue where the finish was and the Garmin was up my shorts, I wrestled it down without loosing too much speed but a fair amount of dignity. A passing motorist was definitely of the opinion I had been ferreting around up there for an indecent amount of time. Garmin retrieved and I noticed that it had stopped at 21.4 miles. Bugger. So where on the course was I? Some short time later I convinced myself I had finished as I passed a lay-by with several cyclists and cars scattered around. Having no time or distance to guide me I sat up and sort of cruised and also sort of kept going if you get my drift. My doubts wer that I wasn’t going up that hill yet. I think that is where the finish should have been. My mistake was brought into glorious relief when rider #82 came roaring by in a full TT, I’m still racing, kind of speed. Bugger again, I’ll follow him. A full 3 miles later was the real finish. I must have lost a chunk of time and I had come to get a second PB. What was the damage.
Relief! A very respectable 57:02 and about 50 sec PB. It was only on the way home that I reflected on the miserly 3 secs off doing a 56. Ah well.

Posts: 648
Joined: 02 Nov 2013 15:27
Real Name: Neil Orchard

Post by neilo » 20 May 2017 16:55

Absolutely brilliant times Dave! Love reading these write ups you're doing so keep it upðŸ‘￾
That's one thing I've never seen, a man on a funny looking bike with his hand up his shorts!!!

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