Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 25th and 26th of November

Details of and discussion about club runs

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 25th and 26th of November

Post by WorcsPhil » 20 Nov 2023 10:58


Only one place to start on the lookback this week, namely the 77th Beacon Dinner held on Saturday night - A huge thanks to all the dinner committee who give their own time to organise the whole evening, and a very enjoyable evening it was. We hope you enjoyed the night, and congratulations to all the Beacon winners. It was good to chat to many people, but just like all big social evenings, there are always people that were there that you may not have spoken to, but would quite happily have spent time with...I know I did. I thought the main speaker Dr Fiona Spotswood was excellent, an intelligent and highly recognisable journey through inclusivity in cycling... it certainly resonated with many of us, and shows through her work in Bristol that having a driven and committed person to encourage new cycling activity is the best way to get people involved and to build momentum... something we can all learn from. Photos from the night will be on social media soon and as always, the dinner committee would love to hear from you on what you enjoyed, and what you'd change, so don't be shy!

Anyway, there are NO club runs this coming Sunday as it is the last Beacon event of the year, our round of the West Midlands Cyclo cross league (WMCCL). Now, in the spirit of Fiona's talk on Saturday, we need you... and what exactly can you get involved with and to answer ALL the questions you may have, well...read below.

Hello member
This is a massive week for the club. It would be great if you could get involved.

Why is this such a big week?
On Sunday, we will be hosting a round of the West Midlands Cyclo Cross League at Walsall Arboretum.

Why do we do this?
Cyclo cross is a family friendly discipline in which everyone can take part. It is no exaggeration to say that the West Mids league provides opportunities for riders aged 7 – 70 to challenge themselves and have an enjoyable time. We believe that our riders should have a ‘home’ event to take part in.

How can I enter?
The link is here: https://www.riderhq.com/events/p/kakg0q ... mccl-rd-11 Our sport depends on clubs stepping up to put on events and we also believe that Beacon should be an organisation that puts something back in to the community.

Apart from the fun, what do we get out of it?
Throughout the year we provide training opportunities for our academy riders and keep costs as low as we possibly can. The money we made at last year’s cross event made a significant contribution to the academy’s running costs.

Have you got helpers already?
Putting on the race is a big undertaking. We have helpers – but as things stand the people who have signed up so far will be putting in some big shifts. We need more helpers so they can have a few more breaks. Even if you can only help out for an hour, your contribution could make a big difference. It is really important that we know who is available and when so we can plan everyone’s workload well.

How can we help?
Jobs include helping set up: Saturday 11:30 – 3:30 and Sunday 07:30 – 09:30 marshalling the course 09:30 – 15:30 Taking down the course 15:30 – 16:30.

How do we let you know?
Either e mail academy@beaconrcc.org.uk or leave a message on the forum viewtopic.php?f=1&t=10675

Let's step up and make this a success...and cheer on the Beacon riders proudly wearing the tricolore this weekend!


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