Details of and discussion about club news & events (excluding races)

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley

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Post by George » 19 Oct 2022 13:36

Every year, members' racing and other achievements are recognised with trophies and awards in a wide variety of fields. However, cycle sport is forever developing and changing. New kinds of racing and competition emerge, and old ones sometimes lose popularity. And there are shifts in the age balance and gender balance of the members competing.

Against that background, the club has received a number of suggestions in the last year or two about introducing new trophies, or dropping old ones, or changing the basis on which they're awarded. The committee therefore wants to do a bit of an overhaul of the club's trophy list. The aim is to have an updated list available by the start of 2023.

We would therefore love to hear your views on the trophies that the club awards each year. See below for a list of the ideas already put forward. Please let us know what you think of them, and share any other ideas you might have. For a full list of the club's current trophies, see: ... s-2022.pdf

Ideas received so far:
- Introduce one or more gravel racing awards
- Have separate male and female cyclocross awards
- Scrap the sportive award
- Review the distinction between road racing and circuit racing
- Make eligibility for TT awards dependent on helping at a minimum number of club TTs
- Scrap TT awards that are now very rarely contested, e.g. junior BAR, senior 12 hour
- Introduce TT awards that will encourage participation, e.g. a two-up trophy, road bike trophy

All feedback and ideas are welcome. You can comment below, or e-mail me (george [at] beaconrcc [dot] org [dot] uk), or talk to another club committee member. Please note, however, that Facebook comments are easily overlooked and hard to find later. So it's probably safer to comment on the message board or by e-mail.

And don't forget that this year's trophies and awards will be handed out at the Annual Dinner on 19 November. It would be great to see you there! For details, go to ... sentation/

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Philip Whiteman
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Post by Philip Whiteman » 19 Oct 2022 14:04

Just to take the following:
Make eligibility for TT awards dependent on helping at a minimum number of club TTs
This is a good idea and the prerequisite for eligibility for awards could be applied to other events too. For example, riders must volunteer at an audax to be eligible for the audax award. Similar could be applied to the RR award.

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