Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 6th and 7th of April

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 6th and 7th of April

Post by WorcsPhil » 01 Apr 2024 15:15


A short one this week as it's Easter and I have chocolate to eat... :D

In fact, nearly everything that we need to update you on is in the latest Beacon Bulletin that stormed into your emails last night...check your 'Junk' email directory if you haven't seen it, but it's an excellent summary of what's been going on and is going on in April, summarised by:

- Time Trials, they start this Saturday!
- Your subs reminder...we'll be sending the biggest, baddest, smelliest person we know round to your gaff to 'persuade' you, as many people just forget to renew...please check if you have, or ask us and we'll check for you...it's still only £15!
- The first Big Coffee Stop club run last week was a success, so George will be beavering away to find another venue in 2 or 3 months time.
- LMTT, get your entries in or come along and marshal, there will be NO club runs that day.
- Academy events, there's a big event at Ackers this coming Wednesday, but you know that and are already going...If not take a look at the Fb page.

Great to see a Beacon Burst go out on Easter Sunday, and unsurprisingly, it was very popular...don't forget, they are perfect for those days when time is tight, so set the agenda yourself rather than sit at home and fume that no one is down to lead this week. Thanks to Stuart Jones for leading that, and Mariana also of course for a very popular C-ride down to Whitlenge. Thanks also to Paul Balfe for leading this week's Guided Ride.

So, please take a look at the Beacon Bulletin, they are issued quite regularly now, thanks to Laurence Cooley, so if you are doing something interesting, such as riding the length of New Zealand or spending 2 months in the Andes, as well as epic or interesting rides here in Blighty, we'd love to hear from you!

Happy munching.


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