Sunday 28th April at 9:15 - Beacon Burst B speed c. 35 miles

Details of and discussion about club runs

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Posts: 258
Joined: 22 Oct 2011 16:25
Real Name: Phil Gameson

Sunday 28th April at 9:15 - Beacon Burst B speed c. 35 miles

Post by PhilG » 26 Apr 2024 09:48

It looks very likely that it will be pretty wet and chilly on Sunday, so I will lead a non stop Beacon Burst at B run speed (c. 15mph) of 36 miles starting from the Black Horse at 9:15 promptly.
Here is the route.
It's not especially hilly, but don't expect it to be flat either!

If people want to have a cafe stop near the end, I may make a detour to cafe at Earlswood Lakes.

Please sign up below if you would like to join me.

Well, I think the poor weather may have discouraged one or two people from turning out for a club run this weekend - I was the only one at the Black Horse.
It was unseasonably cold (5 degrees at the start), but it wasn't as wet as forecast and at one point I saw a pale yellow disc in the sky.
[ have been on rides in worse conditions with a half decent turn out this year.]
I did complete the route, albeit with a minor change just after Tanworth in Arden.
Phil Gameson

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