Big Café Convergence #2/2024

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Posts: 2416
Joined: 18 Nov 2006 10:21
Real Name: George Barker
Location: Worcestershire

Big Café Convergence #2/2024

Post by George » 17 Jun 2024 15:13

This year, we're planning to have one weekend each quarter when all Sunday club runs converge on the same destination. The idea is to create an opportunity for everyone to mingle, instead of chatting only to the little group you ride with nearly every week. The dates earmarked for this year's remaining Big Café Convergences are:
23 June
22 September (after the Hill Climb)
22 December (pre-Christmas drinks)

The venue for the second Big Café Convergence will again be Broad Acres Fishery, near Hanbury. Facilities at the fishery are fairly basic, but they have plenty of tables and always give us a warm welcome. This Convergence will feature a special treat: free chocolate cake for everyone signed up to one of the rides! The reason will be explained in due course.

Details of the various runs are still being negotiated, partly because I'm a bit late getting started ( :roll: ), and partly because one or two A runners reckon that they may be a bit tired on Sunday morning for some reason ( :roll: ). I'll share updates asap. The aim is to have several runs, all taking different routes to the café and going at different speeds. Ride leaders will plan departure times and routes so as to arrive at the café between 10:45 and 11:15. The aim is to avoid arriving at exactly the same time, but to get there within a narrowish time window, so that we're all there together for a while. Details of the runs will be posted by the leaders in separate threads on this MB and in the RwGPS forum. Ride leaders may follow one of the routes listed at ... broadacres, or come up with something of their own.

The following runs will be going:
Combined A/B run led by Neil Orchard
C run(s) led by George Barker and Pete Norman
D run led by Dave Cole

Keep the food orders simple, please, and we'll all get our grub more quickly.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday!

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