Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 29th and 30th of June

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 29th and 30th of June

Post by WorcsPhil » 24 Jun 2024 11:38


It's peak cycling season, mid-summer and the sun has come out to play, and Beacon riders have been making the most of it. George Barker, our El Presidente has been a Beacon member for 40 years, and to celebrate, he brought along a chocolate cake to the convergence of riders at Broad Acres for the big get-together convergence on Sunday...in other words, all the club runs went there for a massive sandwich! Great to see the photos from the day and thanks to George for organising. The next big club run day will be in mid September, but let's make sure we're all there in 10 years for his golden anniversary, and I'll book the table next week for June 2034 :shock:

It was also the weekend of the one-day Weston and Back ride, and what a fabulous trip that was. Perfect weather, a packed beach, donkeys galore, seagulls nicking your chips, it was everything a 350kms ride should be. We finished at midnight after a 9:30pm meal at the Tewkesbury Wetherspoons...the Tour de France riders don't get that privilege, eh? Thanks to all the riders who came along, and particular kudos to Stuart Jones, Naomi Bell and Ben Walmsley for riding further than they had ever ridden before...and Ben finally can have bragging rights over his dad, Craig, who rode this ride in our 2013 edition of Weston and back. Hope you're good, Craig!!

This coming weekend sees the second trip to Weston and back, this time over two days led by Alan Weaver...it's a great ride and part of Beacon folklore so why not have a go, there are still places available. We do this ride every 2 years or so, so it'll be 730 days till we do it again, but next year, we'll think of another 'Pushing the Boundaries' club ride to another venue, so buckle up.

Three quick final things:

1. The June edition of the Beacon bulletin was emailed to all members on Friday...please take a look as it features lots of cycling adventures (and those coming up) including two touring reports, one from Paul Balfe and also Pete Warwick's amazing 28-day solo trip through the whole length of New Zealand (I told him he should do the width of New Zealand instead...you could ride it just over half an hour!)...it's a fantastic read with wonderful photos, so make yourself a coffee, rip open the custard creams and have a read.

2. The summer kit order arrives today, so watch out for Mariana's post on the MB and Fb about how to collect your order.

3. It's only a few short weeks till the BCSA National junior Grasstrack championships at Ackers, organised by Beacon (more specifically Ade Ravenscroft). This is a great advert for all we can do, so why not go along and help or get your kids along to have a go. More details are in the Beacon Bulletin and will be on here soon.

That's it, enjoy the hot weather this week and don't forget your sunscreen, and if anyone beats my magnum eating record of 14 in 2.5 days, please let me know!! It's the only Strava KOM I have :D


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