Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 8th of December

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 8th of December

Post by WorcsPhil » 02 Dec 2024 11:35


Another meh sort of weekend only saw two rides out, with Stuart Jones' MTB ride on Saturday and Dave Cox's D-Ride on Sunday only attracting a handful of riders...so what treats are in store now you have opened your first couple of advent calendar doors? Four things to bring to your attention:

First, this coming Sunday there are no club runs as it is the Beacon Round of the WMCCL (Cross) league at Walsall Arboretum. We've had a couple of volunteers pull out so we need 2-3 more to make it good for everyone. Please don't ignore this, why not give a couple of hours on Sunday morning to help out and watch the mudfest of a cross race at the same time.

Secondly, it's the Beacon AGM on Thursday 12th December at 18:30 on Zoom...you should all have received an email invite and it's on the message board everywhere and on facebook, so come along. Again, if you totally agree with everything we do, and we are perfect in every way and in all our deeds then don't bother dialling in of course - for the small minority that may have a view, then you'll be more than welcome.

Thirdly, Sunday 15th December sees the annual Multi-club ride to the Swan at Chaddesley Corbett...We hope to get a full set of rides out for this, with potentially meeting for a swift bacon sarnie at Rowberry's just before getting to the Swan at noon. Come along and enjoy a good natter, pint or non-alcoholic drink with both Beacon riders and those from our friendly clubs elsewhere.

Lastly, on Sunday 22nd December, the last Sunday before Christmas, let's try to do something similar and all meet up for a club run Christmas drink and pigs in blanket...we'll sort out a venue, but if you can't make the Swan the week before, this is a good catch-up opportunity also...Be good to see people there for both club rides.

Anyway, what could be more fun than all that? Nothing, I hear you cry. Everyone loves a great Committee Meeting on Zoom (!), so I hope to see a few people there whilst riding on their turbo or cooking their tea (or both...).

See you on one or more of these!

Phil (ignore me at your peril)

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