Right that's it...we've all had enough of the cold weather, and luckily, that's it for frost till next December...so get you outdoor bikes out, we're going for a ride. Thanks to Alan for arranging a few Beacon Zwift rides when the weather has been too icy to ride, and they may be back soon, who knows, but hopefully we can get a full set of outdoor club rides out this weekend.
The Beacon Sunrise and Snowdrop Audaxes (Sat Feb 22nd) now have over 200 entrants, and we're getting 5-10 entrants a day, but still very few from Beacon members, so get your a**e into gear, please and enter via the Audax website, or check the link on the Beacon webpage...Stourbridge CC are easily at the top for entrants as we speak and many thanks to them as always, but we normally pip them due our last-minute-Charlie rush of entries...
At last Thursday's committee meeting (more details next week), one of the most pressing requests was for an engaged, engaging and motivated person to take over as Communications Secretary, which involves exactly that... communicating what we do across the whole range of activities and social media outlets, so if you have time or would like to know more before committing, just get in touch...
Whatever you're doing this week, have fun and let's start talking about cafes, hills, funny little lanes and outrageous new bike gadgets as we venture into the glistening sun like grizzly bears waking up from hibernation...go get that salmon.
See you at a cafe soon
Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 19th of January
Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo