Evesham Velo Track and social - WEDNESDAY 5TH JULY (5:30-7PM)

Details of and discussion about club news & events (excluding races)

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley

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Posts: 1074
Joined: 14 Oct 2012 21:57
Real Name: Phil Richards

Evesham Velo Track and social - WEDNESDAY 5TH JULY (5:30-7PM)

Post by WorcsPhil » 21 Jun 2023 17:10


Not an ideal date I know, but we have the Evesham Velo 1 km track booked on Wednesday 5th July between 17:30 and 19:00 before retiring for a beer. This is FREE for Beacon members so come along...we really need 15-20 people to justify this...It's for everyone not just speed freaks, and you can go as fast or as slow as you want....This is ideal for everyone, whether you are A, B, C or D riders, come along and have a safe blast

Their website is here, but we're NOT on the pump track, but the specialised 1 kilometre cycle track, all on flat tarmac, so road bikes are fine.

Sign up here, and probables signed up so far are: GET YOUR NAME DOWN BELOW, IT'''LL BE FUN

Phil Richards
Karl Walton
Nick Shenton
Andy Wrightson
Louise Crowley
Paul Joliffe
Mick Stanford
Neil Orchard
Stuart Jones
Helen Colson (possible)

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