Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 30th and 31st of March

Details of and discussion about club runs

Moderators: George, Beacon RCC, WorcsPhil, David Cole, laurence_cooley, Andy Terry, deero83, neilo

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Real Name: Phil Richards

Weekly Club Update and Club runs for the weekend of 30th and 31st of March

Post by WorcsPhil » 25 Mar 2024 14:49


Well, the inaugural 'Big Coffee Stop' club ride seemed to work. We had 35 riders get to Broad Acres and nicely spaced out so that the wait wasn't too bad, and a good intermingling both at the cafe and for the ride home, with the C groups getting together and the A and B rides merging for a fast blast back through Droitwich. Thanks to George for organising and for the arranging for the cafe to be ready for us. I think these will be quarterly, so the next one is likely to be in June, avoiding the Weston ride weekends planned for the 15th (one day ride) and the 29th/30th (two day ride).

It was also the Mad March Hare on Sunday and good to see a few Beaconites riding and supporting that worthy local sportive around the hills of the Wyre Forest. Not only that, but there were SEVEN Beacon riders out riding a 200kms audax, with three on the new Warwick Audax and four guys riding a 200 DIY. Not only that, but kudos also to Martin Davis who is back racing road races, and rode at 24mph+ around the lanes in Bishampton on Sunday and Ed Moss who blasted a 10mile TT on Saturday at 43kph (27mph) to finish second on a VC Sevale TT around Upton...top riding, Ed.

Apologies if I have missed any other notable rides, and if you have or do, please let me know on a Sunday evening so that I can publicise your deeds.

...and at the excellent Beacon social on Friday night (thanks to Nick Shenton for organising), many subjects were discussed and one that hit home was despite us trying every Machiavellian technique known to man to persuade people to volunteer, we still struggle, so attempt number 17 using the technique of endless repetition, it would be great if YOU stepped forward to help with:

1. Academy Go Event at Ackers on Wednesday April 3rd. A great day of racing for juniors organised by Ade Ravenscroft, where help is needed to set up, marshal and help take down the course so if you're free, even for an hour, that would be great. See Ade's post to sign up and help.

2. Little Mountain Time Trial, where we need marshals for Beacon's flagship event on Sunday April 21st - sign up here
http://www.beaconrcc.org.uk/message_boa ... =5&t=10928

3. Weekly club runs - we couldn't have made it easier to choose a route and lead a ride, so why not have a go in the next couple of weeks. Get your name down and see how warm and fuzzy it makes you feel!

Don't forget it's also the first of the Beacon TT's in the week after Easter and as it's Easter next weekend, you may forget this, so this may be your final heads-up.

Sorry to be a nag, but a lot is organised by your club, and this would be even more beautiful if/when help is freely given.

See you after Easter, don't eat too much chocolate!


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